LSEM is committed to listening to the complaints of the employers, parents, partners, the local community, learners/apprentices as instituted in the centre’s handbook. The purpose of the complaint policy is to provide adequate information on the processes and procedures for making complaints. Hence, device a channel to resolving arising matters and complaints with the aim of referring the issue to the management as necessary.
In view of the above any complaints from any of the parties listed above should follow the following procedures as those complaints or suggestions would help the centre to improve on the training services that we deliver. This is what to do:

1. The very first step is to engage the respective officer or a member of staff in a verbal discussion over the subject matter. At this stage the respective officer may take necessary step to resolve the matter and bring the complaint process to a close.

2. Where the candidate is not happy with the decision of the respective staff, the candidate may choose to escalate the matter by reporting to an appropriate manager.
In this regard, the manager may require the candidate to complete a complaint form. This complaint form is available in the admin office. However, the candidate will have to give detailed information about the complaint in writing and subsequently, this will enable the centre to appoint an appropriate officer of the centre to review the matter and provide speedy response.

3. A completed complaint form will be required to be submitted back to the administrative office or the class representative or send directly to the course leader.

4. We undertake to give you an initial response within fifteen working days of receipt of your original written complaint.

5. Where the candidate is not satisfied with the decision thereof, the candidate can appeal the decision by communicating in writing to the director of studies or director of operations and quality as necessary.

6. The director of studies may set up a committee which will comprise of the Centre Leadership Group to carry out a further investigation on the complaint.

7. Where the candidate is still not happy about the decision of the committee, the candidate may be offered a one-to-one meeting with the director of studies or the director of quality. However, the decision of the director is the final.

Review of the Policy:
Events, circumstances, or a pressing development may warrant urgent review of this policy. However, in the absence of those, this review is subject to review annually hence, this review is due for review in November 2022.
